Many rock band bios discuss the artists and their backgrounds and this is fine: many of them are more talented than we are. For better or worse here we focus on why we expend energy generating selected air-compression-waves.
The first Vertacyn Arc Materializer album ("That's A Negative On The Leapfrog, Captain America" ) was recorded at interaction region 12 at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. During the recording time this particle accelerator collided electrons and anti-matter electrons at an energy of 10 Giga-electron-volts (10GeV ) a regime where one can measure a small matter-antimatter asymmetry in b-quarks which is believed to be part of the reason the early universe did not self-annihilate into pure energy: it's one of the reasons we exist.
The two more recent Vertacyn Arc Materializer albums (Tasting The Sea , Phlodd ) ask other questions about existence that loop through our heads when we wake at 3am. Why do people treat other people badly? Why is music, one of the most idealistic human endeavors, controlled so people cannot listen unless they pay? Agreed: hopelessly idealistic, and we lay no claim to sainthood.
That's A Negative On The Leapfrog, Captain America
Tasting The Sea
But it ain't all shit. Existence also yields moments of joy. The two founding Vertacyn Arc Materializer members (later increased to four) played their second show together in 2014, setting up at Candlestick Park in San Francisco at the former second-base, the same location where a band named The Beatles played their final show. Our show (the second-to-last at Candlestick Park) looked like this:
A few months later Paul McCartney had the same idea. The picture below taken from the same location at his show (the last at Candlestick Park, a few months before it was demolished) had 70,000 more people in it. The idea here is that all of this is a long, hard labor of love. Crazier, noisier, curious, quietly anxious love.
OK, too damn heavy, but whatever.